Friday, March 7, 2014

Transformers (Generation One) Wheeljack Clip n Sip

Professor blog: 000019 Subject: Wheeljack Brand of product: Clip n Sip

Today we are going to look at one of the more crazy creations that Transformers ever made. When we think of Transformers, we usually think of the neat little cars that turn into robots. Did you ever think of some of the odder things in existence? The subject for today is actually the Wheeljack Clip n Sip. Now this toy is a little rarer than most Transformers but your average collector does not collect them. He is literally a tiny wheeljack that clips on to a straw. He is there for sentimental reasons I guess.

Now this thing is actually pretty cool for what he is. He came out in 1984 and was literally packaged with a regular straw. Now the one that I have is a tiny bit smoke damaged but is in great shape other wise. I included shots of the package to show people what they would normally look like. Now these were gimmick toys that came along with the launch of the Transformers show / toys. There was a total of two different ones. They are Optimus Prime, Wheejack, Now the most common ones are the clip on ones and the stamps. These were not nearly as popular but still awesome. If you check around on sites like, there is barely any information about them. So their true origin is unknown but we can assume they are simply merchandise for the cartoon release.

If you are looking for odd things to have in your collection, these are perfect. I love my little wheeljack. There is no pose-ability but it is still a great piece. I posted a picture of him next to Master Piece Prowl to give the audience an idea on scale. These normally retail for a few dollars so it’s a good idea to look into it for the sake of Transformers! I borrowed the pictures of the two unopen ones from
Background of the toy: This particular Wheeljack came to me from a recent Craigslist buy. He arrived into my collection in December 2013. He has no breaks or chips and his paint is a little smoke damaged. He only comes with a regular straw so its easily replaceable. He is mostly the proper color and the stickers are slightly faded.

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