Thursday, February 20, 2014

Interview with Matt from about the Dinobots in Age of Extinction and more!

Here is an interview with Matt from He is a professional Transformer toy seller. We would like to thank Mr. Matt for giving us an interview on their views about the upcoming live action Transformer film Age of Extinction!
1) We saw that the Toy Fair 2014 announced a brand new set of Dinobots. Three originals and two new members. What is your impression of these toys? Right, so we have Grimlock (T-rex), Strafe (two-headed Pteranodon), Slug (Triceratops), Scorn (Spinosaurus) and Slash (Velociraptor). Unfortunately my impression is that I'm not very impressed. Basically it appears to me Hasbro is picking up right where DOTM left off. The movie toys seem to be targeted more toward kids than collectors. I suppose many Transformers series are like that (Animated, Beast Wars, most of Unicron Trilogy, etc.), but something really changed with the main lines starting around DOTM and continuing through Prime. Figure size and weights are down significantly, and those with any bulk are largely simplistic in design, and they just seem...well, kinda 'holey' for lack of a better word. Holey meaning full of holes or empty space. Don't get me wrong, I still dig some of the lines obviously meant for collectors (Generations), but I don't think the Dinobots are being done any favors in AoE.

2) Do you think the Transformers: Age of Extinction movie will change the Generation one dinobot overall value? And why? Almost certainly. I mean we can use Devastator as a cast study; price chart is parabolic in shape with a maximum around 2009-2010 as you might expect, due to his appearance in DOTM. The Dinobots will fare the same, barring some Encore or other re-issue.

3) Do you think this would affect all five original dinobots or just Grimlock, Slag and Swoop? I expect it to be an across-the board increase in value. Grimlock and Swoop will likely see the most benefit since, well, Grimlock is the main draw and G1 Swoop is about twice as hard as any other Dinobot to find unbroken.

4) Why do you think the Dinobots are so popular? I think they're an easy kid favorite. Most kids are fascinated by dinosaurs, I know I was! So now you'll have two generations growing up with Dinobots in the mainstream, though the G2 Dinobots, so-to-speak, won't be as long-lived one can safely assume.

5) In your experience, if the Dinobot toys value would change, how long do you think it would last before the market value evens out? It will even out in a year, again using the above price chart for Devastator as a case study.

6) Would you guess for this to just affect Generation one or do you think Generation 2, Universe, Animated, etc. Dinobots would be affected as well? Ha, good question...somehow I don't think it will have the same effect on prices for post-G1s as they are much more plentiful and much easier to find in decent condition, even sealed.
7) Which is your favorite Dinobot? I've always been a fan of Swoop, any huge flying reptile gets my vote!

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