Monday, February 17, 2014

G. I. Joe Star Brigade Lobotomaxx 1994

Professor blog: 000006 Subject: Lobotomaxx Brand of product: Star Brigade Original Release year: 1994

In order to properly appreciate Lobotomaxx you need to know a few things. The first thing is that he was released in 1994. This means that he was one of the last G. I. Joes to get released before Hasbro cancelled the original 3 ¾” toy line. The next thing is that Lobotomaxx belonged to the Star Brigade line up. This series produced some of the rarest joes ever in the U.S.A. They are not rarer than the mail in Joes but they are rare enough for me to mention.

Lobotomaxx was one of three alien monsters that the Joes were fighting in space. Why do you ask why the entire team of G. I. Joe had to fight three monsters? Well it is either because Cobra recruited these monsters for diabolical reasons or that someone from Hasbro let an intern do a design story and got himself fired shortly after sending in the final drafts for the toy bios. The story is indeed kind of stupid but they were scheduled to release more monster toys in 1995 but Hasbro discontinued the toy line. So we get three. They are Carcass, Lobotomass, and Predacon. For those Transformer fans out there, you will notice the last one. Hasbro continued the copy righted word into G.I. Joe to preserve it and then back to Beast Wars to reuse it.

Now Lobotomaxx is one of the cooler looking G. I. Joe toys. He is also one of the rarer ones as well. Sadly he is one of the most unposeable toys I have ever dealt with. He comes with a tail that is barely moveable. His legs are neat but very… solid. The only real pose this figure can do is in one spot. Now we normally make fun of Hasbro’s 1992, 1993, and 1994 color choices for their G. I. Joes. They are neon and all kinds of other horrible color schemes. This toy actually has a color scheme that works in his favor. He looks like a bounty hunter with armor. The look Hasbro wanted! Now on a quick note, his weapons are the same weapons that were used in all of 1993. They are almost identical to the Dr. Mindbender set for 1993. If you decide to get this toy, I suggest you do it because it is rare and unique. I do not suggest attempting to play with him. You will be pretty disappointed. Now this figure has a cousin in the rare Mexican version. I do not have comparison shots but I suggest to google him if you are interested in international G. I. Joes.
Background of the toy: This particular Lobotomaxx came unopened from 2012’s G. I. Joe Convention in New Orleans. He arrived into my collection in the middle of 2012. He has no breaks or chips. His weapons are all accounted for.

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