Friday, February 21, 2014

G. I. Joe (Figure Subscription Service) T.N.T. 2013

Professor blog: 000011 Subject: T.N.T. Brand of product: G. I. Joe Collector’s Club: Figure subscription service Original Release year: 2013

T.N.T. (Theodore N. Thomas) was a part of the G. I. Joe Collector’s Club Figure Subscription Service for 2012-2013. He was a part of the first series / volume one for the F.S.S. He was paired with Barrel Roll and Blackout. Now, this particular toy is actually based off of the T.N.T. toy from Argentina back in 1986 by Plastirama Toy Company / Hasbro. He came with a huge variety of weapons and looks spot on to the original toy.

Now this particular toy was one of many foreign Joes to make it into the average collector’s collection. Hasbro / G. I. Joe Collector’s club were slowly incorporating various foreign G. I. Joes into the modern toy sculpt style. Now this is great because we can all get a fancy foreign Joe and gain some kind of attachment or even hunt down the originals. Now the sad thing to this is that the Collector’s Club is making them. They tend to make a small number of official toys and if you don’t get it from them, you will be paying 2-10x the original cost. Now these toys were not as rare as their convention sets but it is always a good idea to sign up for their deals.

T.N.T. is a great little toy. He comes with a huge stock of bomb defusing equipment and various weapons. The club even changed the color of the figure stand so that you can tell he is different from other Joes! Most collector’s do not go for the foreign Joes because they declared them impossible to get. I, personally, love the foreign Joes for that very reason. There is a sense of mystery to them and every toy has a story to tell. This toy is great for collector’s to pose. Plus he is unique and only one was made of him so far.

Background of the toy: This particular T.N.T. came to me unopened from the G. I. Joe Collector’s Club. He arrived into my collection in July 2013. He has no breaks or chips and his paint looks amazing. He is complete with all his weapons and the instructions. He is the proper color and has no damage.
*Original T.N.T. picture was borrowed from

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